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Pre-refurbishment/  Demolition Asbestos Surveys (RD)

Asbestos Survey (RD) - for compliance and safety

If you are planning any work that has the potential to disturb the fabric of a building, i.e. minor refurb of a specified area, through to full demolition, then you are likely to disturbing ceilings, walls, and/or floors.   To be compliant and safely proceed, you must have an Asbestos Survey (RD) carried out.  Click here for an Example Scenario of why this is necessary.

This additional information must be added to, or be used to create, your Asbestos Management Plan prior to carrying out any work. 

Fully intrusive investigation

The surveyor follows the same process as for an Asbestos Management Survey but investigation is fully intrusive. 

If it is suspected that there may be asbestos under the floor, in the walls or between layers of the ceiling, the structure must be opened up to reveal potentially hidden asbestos. This may cause damage to the fabric of the building but is obviously required if the building is to be demolished or, if the interior design of the building is going to be changed.  

Full control access

If access is required behind an identified ACM, this can require full control access, with air tight enclosures under negative pressure to ensure we are able to intrusively investigate safely.

Please call us or use the contact form for help with an Asbestos Survey (RD).

See also: